Chronische Wunden heilen - Erforschung molekularer Grundlagen



Improving wound healing in chronic wounds is a key objective of stem cell research. Research into wound healing disorders focusses on the molecular basis of wound healing. The aim is to develop and derive therapeutic strategies from this.

To this end, we are working with our cooperation partners in Heidelberg and the USA to improve the potential of the body’s own stem cells for the revitalisation of organs, especially the skin.

In an ageing population, chronic wounds and wound healing are among the greatest challenges facing medicine today. Partly caused by diseases such as diabetes, arterial occlusive disease and obesity, thousands of people now suffer from chronic wounds that refuse to heal. Their everyday lives are often accompanied by severe pain, disabilities due to major physical limitations and the constant risk of infection.

The research team at the ETHIANUM Clinic is committed to helping these people effectively in the future and allowing chronic wounds to heal quickly.

Direct Contact

Would you like to find out more about our research into chronic wounds or do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us directly online using our direct contact form or give us a call.

+49 6221 8723-0