Aesthetic surgery
A neck lift can help if sagging neck areas, wrinkles and/or a double chin have developed as part of the ageing process or as a result of significant weight loss. A neck lift is always conceivable if:
- The neck is wrinkled and the tissue is sagging
- A double chin has formed
- The skin hangs down in flaps
- Fat has accumulated in the neck area
- The neck contour runs diagonally from the chin to the larynx.
A neck lift requires the art of aesthetic surgery. The neck lift can be performed as a single operation on an outpatient basis. However, depending on your individual wishes, it can also be combined with other lifting operations such as a facelift. An inpatient stay is then necessary. At the ETHIANUM, we provide you with well-equipped rooms, which you can also use with a “rooming-in”, i.e. with an accompanying person, if you wish.
Various surgical methods can be considered for a neck lift. Your plastic and aesthetic surgeon will provide you with comprehensive information about the most promising method. For your information, we have summarised all the surgical procedures and interesting facts about the neck lift procedure.
Aesthetic surgery
Every operation harbours risks. This also applies to a neck lift. It is therefore important that you take enough time to decide in favour of a surgical procedure, especially if there is no medical necessity. The aesthetic surgery specialists at the ETHIANUM will therefore take plenty of time for you when you come to our clinic for a non-binding consultation. During this consultation, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions and express your wishes. The aesthetic surgeon will use the consultation to address your personal wishes. The specialist will also need to find out whether you are taking certain medications, suffer from allergies or have already had other surgical procedures.
After the detailed anamnesis and consultation, a date for your neck lift operation will be arranged without any time pressure. Beforehand, you will have discussed with your specialist which surgical method will be considered and whether the neck lift will be performed on an outpatient or inpatient basis. In particular, it is also important whether you would like to combine the neck lift with another operation such as a facelift.
- Preparation for the operation
It is important that you take it easy before the neck lift. A second important point is that you avoid the following things before the procedure if possible:
Alcohol and nicotine
Taking blood-thinning medication (e.g. aspirin)
Sunbathing (including solarium)
Visits to the sauna - Narkose
A general anaesthetic is necessary if you have opted for a combination of different tightening operations. In the case of a neck lift alone, the anaesthetists can put you into a twilight sleep or give you a local anaesthetic. Of course, the specialists at the ETHIANUM Clinic will advise you individually and comprehensively on the choice of anaesthesia. - The operation
We have summarised the different surgical methods for a neck lift below. The specialist in aesthetic surgery will discuss the most suitable method for your neck lift with you. In every operation, a small, thin tube is inserted after the neck lift. This allows the wound fluid to drain away. An elastic bandage is also necessary after the neck lift to minimise swelling. - After the operation
Typical symptoms such as swelling and discolouration may occur after the operation. It is recommended that you keep your head as still as possible and avoid exertion. You should also refrain from sunbathing or going to the sauna for a few days. This will help the wounds to heal much better. Depending on the procedure, you can return to work or exercise after about two weeks.
Aesthetic surgery
There are different methods for a neck lift. The specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery at the ETHIANUM will discuss with you in detail which method promises the best results for you and which risks need to be considered. Here is a list of the most common neck lift surgery methods.
Variant 1: Liposculpturing and tightening
Only a small incision is made under the chin. The specialist then sucks out the excess fat with a cannula. If the skin is elastic enough, it adapts to the new neck line. If this is not the case, an additional tightening procedure is performed.
Variant 2: Shortening of the neck muscle and tightening of the neck from the chin
Excess skin is removed through a horizontal incision around five centimetres long under the chin. The neck muscle can also be shortened and tightened.
Variant 3: Neck lift from the ear
The skin is tightened through an incision behind the ear. The neck muscle can also be shortened here if necessary. For a more harmonious overall result, a face-lift incision can be used if necessary.
Variant 4: Deep plane neck lift
The deep plane neck lift is a special form of neck lift. The skin, the superficial layer of connective tissue and the underlying layer are separated from each other. The neck muscle, the so-called platysma, is tightened below the chin region and cut at the level of the cricoid cartilage. This removes dynamic and static “ligaments” in the neck. Depending on the findings, a specific section of the oral salivary gland and the floor of the mouth muscle is removed. If there is a clear excess, a triangular-shaped fat pad below the so-called platysma is also removed. Although this method is a more complex procedure, it achieves very natural and long-lasting results. However, the deep plane neck lift is not suitable for everyone.
Variant 5: MACS lift (minimal access cranial suspension lift)
This variant is also known as a mini neck lift. Additional tightening threads are inserted through a minimal incision to tighten the face and neck. However, this method is not suitable for everyone.