Handchirurgie in Heidelberg – Operative Korrekturen Dank virtuoser Chirurgenhände



Hand surgery is a separate discipline within plastic surgery. It requires a great deal of experience. The hand has a very complex structure: 33 muscles, three nerves, 27 individual bones, around 17,000 tactile corpuscles, tendons and blood vessels form the fine structure with which we can feel, touch and grasp. We use our hands to understand our lives. Literally.

If the mobility of your hands suffers, you are in the best hands for an operation in the hand and microsurgery department at the ETHIANUM. We specialise in restoring the mobility and functionality of your hands. Thanks to the expertise of our specialists, we can apply and combine various surgical methods to correct a range of hand disorders. In addition to sophisticated hand surgery, the best treatment also includes rehabilitative physiotherapy after an operation. Here too, the ETHIANUM combines both disciplines under one roof.

The renowned hand and microsurgeon Prof Dr Günter Germann is at your side at the Heidelberg Hand Surgery Centre with over 35 years of experience. The expert in plastic and aesthetic surgery has a reputation for successfully treating even extremely rare cases. He remains true to his guiding principle: “Hands are not just capital for surgeons.”

“Our hands are the most important tool for our work. Our hands ensure our independence. If the function of our hands is impaired, everyday tasks such as blowing our nose or tying our shoes become a challenge. Acute overuse injuries are common among ball players, cyclists, gymnasts and athletes. But many clients with chronic strain injuries also come to the ETHIANUM for hand surgery. The good news is that we can help you well. Because this is our hand work.”

Do you suffer from restricted movement, chronic pain or deformities in your hands? Then you can find more information about hand surgery here.


The master of hand surgery

Prof. Dr. Günter Germann is one of the masters of hand surgery. As an experienced and accomplished hand surgeon, he is always on hand to provide his clients with help and advice. Find out more about the plastic surgeon.

Elisabeth Macko

Praxisorganisation und Patientenmanagement

Elisabeth Macko ist Ihre Ansprechpartnerin für die Physiotherapie. Sie kümmert sich um alle Ihre Belange, die Termine bei der passenden Therapieperson, ggf. die Koordination mit anderen Abteilungen im ETHIANUM und auch die Abrechnung mit den Kassen bzw. Ihnen direkt. Wenden Sie sich mit allen Fragen und Anliegen direkt an Elisabeth Macko.

Contact us

Contact the specialist for all problems with your hand or wrist. Arrange your personal appointment with Prof. Dr. Günter Germann now. Simply use our contact form or call us on +49 6221 8723120.

Further information


Below you will find more detailed information on the most common surgical procedures in hand surgery at the ETHIANUM, ranging from congenital malformations to stress syndromes and accident injuries.

Fehlbildungen bei der Entwicklung der Hände sind ein häufiges Phänomen. Die Korrektur an den winzigen Händen gehört unbedingt in die Hand des erfahrenen Spezialisten.

Congenital malformations

Malformations in the development of the hands are a common phenomenon. The correction of these tiny hands should always be carried out by an experienced specialist. Read which malformations can be successfully corrected.

Die Daumensattelgelenksarthrose, auch Rhizarthrose genannt, beeinträchtigt fast alle Funktionen der Hand. Die Schmerzen werden mit der Zeit schlimmer.

Arthrosis of the thumb saddle joint

Thumb saddle joint arthrosis, also known as rhizarthrosis, impairs almost all functions of the hand. The pain gets worse over time.

Die typische Knötchenbildung in der Handinnenfläche weist auf eine Dupuytrensche Kontraktur hin: Man kann nicht mehr fest zudrücken.

Dupuytren’s contracture

The typical formation of nodules in the palm of the hand indicates Dupuytren’s contracture: You can no longer press firmly.

Das Handgelenk, ein komplexes Gebilde aus acht Handwurzelknochen, ist ein Schwerarbeiter. Schon kleine Verletzungen können die Funktion stark beeinträchtigen.

Wrist surgery

The wrist, a complex structure consisting of eight carpal bones, is a heavy labourer. Even minor injuries can severely impair its function.

Die moderne Mikrochirurgie machts möglich: Wir können heutzutage durch Verletzungen oder auch Tumore geschädigte Nerven in der Hand rekonstruieren bzw. sogar ersetzen.

Nerve replacement surgery

Modern microsurgery makes it possible: nowadays we can reconstruct or even replace nerves in the hand that have been damaged by injuries or tumours.

Eingeengte Nerven führen zu Problemen, bei den beengten Platzverhältnissen in unseren stark belasteten Händen können eine Vielzahl von Syndromen auftreten, was eine sorgfältige Diagnose erfordert.

Nerve compression syndromes

Constricted nerves lead to problems, and a variety of syndromes can occur in the cramped conditions of our heavily loaded hands, which requires careful diagnosis.

Nach einem Unfall oder bei schwerer Arthrose kann als letzte Möglichkeit, die Beweglichkeit der Hand zu erhalten, auch eine Prothese für einzelne Fingergelenke oder das Handgelenk in Frage kommen.

Joint prostheses

After an accident or in cases of severe osteoarthritis, a prosthesis for individual finger joints or the wrist may be considered as a last resort to maintain the mobility of the hand.

Tendon surgery

Unfortunately, injury to the extensor tendon is a common problem, usually caused by cuts from broken glass, slipping tools such as kitchen knives or animal bites. Tendon surgery provides a remedy.

Wide-awake approach – the patient actively helps

A speciality at the ETHIANUM: the client remains conscious during the local anaesthetic and can actively participate in the success of the procedure by making trial movements during the operation.


Video consultation

Which hand operations are the most common?

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More Information

When should you see a surgeon if you have hand pain?

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More Information

Direct contact

Would you like to be treated in our clinic or would you like to find out more about hand surgery? You can make an appointment quickly and easily online here. Or you can call us directly.

+49 6221 8723-120