Our commitment to research at the ETHIANUM Clinic Heidelberg is driven by the idea and fascination of developing the latest medical innovations in the interests of people. At the forefront of our research commitment is always our responsibility to you and to humanity.
Our dedicated research team led by Priv.-Doz. Dr Eva Köllensperger and our clinic founder Prof. Dr Germann put their heart and soul and full commitment into finding great and innovative things for medical care and support for people in small steps in our own research laboratory.
Every day, we conduct research into new possibilities and approaches in medicine. We have already achieved great success in stem cell research. Our Regenic® principle has also become an integral part of our therapeutic offerings in a wide range of specialities. The outstanding properties of autologous blood and autologous fat can help you with numerous complaints and effectively alleviate pain.
We work with great care and caution on new methods to heal chronic wounds or research new possibilities for breast augmentation.
However, we cannot carry out this research alone. Worldwide co-operations support and promote the exchange of knowledge internationally and help us to become ever more innovative.
Find out how our commitment to research is already offering new treatment options and what we will continue to work on.