Preventive medicine


The Regenic®️ Priciple programme was developed by the ETHIANUM Clinic in Heidelberg in close cooperation with the in-house research department. The aim of this multi-stage programme is always to stimulate the body’s own self-healing powers.

To start with, the ETHIANUM offers its clients and patients customised infusion solutions to support their vitality, lifestyle, and health and to promote optimal regeneration after operations, illnesses, or in stressful and demanding everyday situations.

The infusions contain important vital substances in different compositions and concentrations, including the radical scavengers glutathione and vitamin C, as well as numerous essential and non-essential amino acids, B vitamins, panthenol, folic acid and other important trace elements, minerals, and natural anti-ageing substances.

Intravenous administration means that the substances are immediately available to your body in optimum concentrations.

Your advantages of Regenic®️ booster infusions at the ETHIANUM:

  • Advice and support from our Head of Preventive Medicine, thus individualised care
  • Very fast availability of laboratory values from our in-house laboratory, if necessary

You will also be offered the Fast Recovery Booster directly on the ward after operations. Read which health boosters we can provide you with.

Detox Booster - Maximaler Booster für Ihre Reinigung und Vitalisierung

Myer Booster - Der Booster gegen Stress und Abgeschlagenheit

Vitality Booster - Ihr Stimmungsaufheller für mehr Energie

Immun Booster - Der Booster für Ihr Immunsystem


Detox Booster – Maximum booster for your cleansing and vitalisation

The Detox Booster reveals the secret of a healthy life. Your body is the source of your health and our Detox Booster is the key to cleansing, refreshing and vitalising you. Our Detox Booster specifically strengthens your body with a maximum supply from the inside out.

Myers’ Booster – The booster against stress and fatigue

The Myers’ Booster is your elixir against stress and fatigue. The aim is to strengthen your well-being and health. The Myer Booster reduces your stress and detoxifies your body. The result: strengthening of the immune system and body and an increase in a positive attitude to life. The Myers’ Booster is the ideal measure against stress, insomnia, tiredness, fatigue and lack of concentration.

Vitality Booster – your mood booster for more energy

Vitality Booster is your ticket to a day full of energy, laughter and good humour. This refreshing infusion elixir is designed to lift your mood and give you that extra boost of happiness for the day.

Immune Booster – The booster for your immune system

The Immune Booster infusion strengthens your immune system. Your immune system is your line of defence against diseases and viruses. Give your body the support it deserves and keep it strong and resilient with our Immune Booster.

Direct contact

Would you like to receive a Regenic Booster Infusion or are you interested in one? Then contact us directly via our online form or call our clinic directly for your personal appointment in the prevention department

+49 6221 8723-159