Having an operation abroad can sound particularly tempting at first. The offers for an operation in the field of cosmetic surgery in particular are virtually overwhelming. Liposuction in Turkey, a facelift in Hungary or breast augmentation in Thailand – there is hardly an aesthetic procedure that you won’t find on offer online. Every year, many Germans decide to have surgery abroad, and the trend is rising. A bazaar of possibilities has emerged: Arrangements combine wellness and surgery at an all-inclusive price, financing loans can be booked at the click of a button, bargain prices suggest last-minute opportunities for youthful beauty. Many people are toying with the idea of getting on a plane for a beauty procedure, spending a few days with a beautiful view and returning from their dream holiday looking fresh and youthful. And having supposedly paid less at the same time.
But many people also ask themselves: Is it advisable or perhaps a risk to my health if I have an operation abroad? Prof Dr Germann is a plastic and aesthetic surgeon and founder of the ETHIANUM Clinic. For many years, he has repeatedly operated on patients who suffer from the consequences of unsuccessful operations abroad or at home. This is because secondary aesthetic surgery involves the correction of cosmetic surgery. As former President of the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC), he stands for responsible surgery.
Below you can find out what criteria you should look out for if you are interested in having surgery abroad.
- Filter out clinics that advertise with promises of success or aggressively entice you with loans. A flat-rate processing fee often has to be paid in advance
- Take a close look: Before/after photos can be digitally manipulated. In Germany, it is therefore forbidden to advertise with before/after photos – in many other countries, however, this is permitted
- Check the doctor’s qualifications: Even in Germany, the term cosmetic surgeon is not protected. Only a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery has the appropriate training to perform breast augmentation, liposuction or a facelift
- If the doctor agrees to perform the procedure by email without having met and examined you in person, you should be extremely sceptical. No responsible surgeon can decide that he will operate on you safely on the basis of a photo or a description of your wishes!
- If you only meet the doctor shortly before the agreed operation date at your holiday destination, you will not have any time to think about it, even if you may have a strange feeling. You should not take the risk
- When abroad, language barriers between the doctor, nursing staff and you can make it difficult to discuss your expectations, risks and realistic goals. Misunderstandings can have unpleasant consequences for you
- Make sure that an anaesthetist is present during your cosmetic surgery at the clinic of your choice – such costs are often saved and a nurse takes over this task
- Lack of hygiene is one of the most common reasons for complications. A clinic like the ETHIANUM invests in state-of-the-art operating theatre equipment and excellent conditions. An advantage that counts far more than the sea view
- In Germany, your aftercare is guaranteed. If you have an operation abroad, you are completely on your own in case of doubt. And if complications arise from your cosmetic surgery, you bear all the costs incurred
- You can rely on certified qualifications: The DGPRÄC provides you with a list of competent specialists in plastic and aesthetic surgery A decisive disadvantage is the situation if a complication occurs: it becomes extremely difficult to legally enforce claims. The cost of a second journey alone can then exceed the cost of treatment in Germany
Please note: A responsible surgeon will not pull out a scalpel just because you are waving your wallet. He will advise and examine you, answer your questions, explain the procedure to you in detail, inform you in detail about the risks – and give you all the time you need to think about it.
Benefit from our expert opinions. Get to know our Medical Director and Plastic Aesthetic Surgeon Prof Dr Germann and his expertise.

Founder, Medical Director and Plastic Surgeon
Prof Dr Günter Germann is the founder and Medical Director of the ETHIANUM Clinic Heidelberg. The plastic surgeon can look back on an extremely successful career as a plastic and aesthetic surgeon. Clients greatly appreciate his talents as a hand surgery specialist and excellent microsurgeon.
“Anyone interested in cosmetic surgery applies different criteria to their search than someone who wants to go on holiday under palm trees. It will be difficult to find both in excellent quality in a single offer, so health should definitely come first.”
PD Dr. Med. Günter Germann